
Financial Documentation Strategies for Atlanta Taxpayers

Financial Documentation Strategies for Atlanta Taxpayers

Ah, the wonders of financial documentation... Today’s topic has the benefit of ensuring your Atlanta "financial fortress" is as airtight as it can possibly be, which has its own advantages. Financial Documentation Strategies For Atlanta Taxpayers "You get older and...

4 Tips for Atlanta Taxpayers Owing the IRS

4 Tips for Atlanta Taxpayers Owing the IRS

For many Atlanta individuals, families, and businesses, it can seem that the government has simply been throwing money around and not paying attention to what is done with it, or collecting what is due. But if you believe that the IRS won't come hunting for ways to...

Penalty Relief for Atlanta Residents Who Owe the IRS

Penalty Relief for Atlanta Residents Who Owe the IRS

Every year, the IRS charges tax debtors a boatload of penalties (and it's enough to have you screaming for penalty relief). Just how much? If you’re a Atlanta resident and you owe taxes, you should definitely take a look... To put this in perspective, the IRS budget...